Play Island offers both morning and all day classes. Our morning class is offered Monday through Friday from 8:00-11:30 a.m. for 3/4- year-old students. These children have the option to stay for afternoon childcare, as well. Our older preschool students, who are preparing for kindergarten, will have class Monday through Friday from 8:00-3:00.
2023-2024 Play Island Preschool Handbook
Morning Class (3 & 4 year olds)
Our morning class is intended for children who are toilet-trained and are at least 33 months old. Our preschool class is offered Monday through Friday from 8:00-11:30 a.m. Child care is offered from 11:30-3:00 with the option to stay until 5:30 at the Above & Beyond Program. Tuition for morning preschool is $208.33/month. Afternoon childcare is $208.67/month. The Above & Beyond program is an additional hourly charge.
Our preschool curriculum supports creative, hands-on, engaging learning experiences to help strengthen fine motor skills, including art projects, sensory table investigation and table time activities. Students also develop rhythm and large motor skills through singing, dancing, moving and playing games in Music class and Physical Education. Our preschool class helps students develop early learning skills that will prepare them for our PreKinder class.
Afternoon Class (4 & 5 year olds)
PreKinder is intended for children who are toilet-trained, have turned 4 and plan to attend kindergarten the following year. Students attend school all day, every day. Monday through Friday 8:00-3:00. Tuition for the year is $3750.
Our curriculum encourages active exploration, investigation, play, small group learning centers, as well as individual, small and large group activities. Students are guided to make discoveries, solve problems and express themselves through active involvement
in order to discover more about themselves, other people and the world around them. Our afternoon class provides students with learning experiences and foundational skills that will prepare them for kindergarten.