The 14th annual Marion Open took place on Sat., July 10, at the Olivia Golf Course. There were 79 golfers (up 3 from last year) that participated in this tournament.
Official Raffle Winners:
- First Place: Tuition voucher is good for one student for the 2021-2022 school year. Tuition voucher may be transferred from winner to another SMS student billing account if winner does not have a child at SMS – – – Congrats to Rondee Nosbush!
Second Place: $500 Cash – – – Congrats to Kristie Haubrich!
Third Place: $100 Cash – – – Congrats to Glen Rodel!
Fourth Place: $100 Cash – – – Congrats to Jamie Bremseth!
A special word of thanks to the committee members who organized and ran this fund raising event for St. Mary’s School:
Brad & Liz Braulick, co-chair along with Tom & Alicia Osthus, Dan & Chelsey Elfering. Greg & Rachel Haubrich, Pat & Laura Posl, and Sandy Zuhlsdorf.
We also want to express our thanks to all the sponsors for the Marion Open. A total of $6,600.00 was given for this tournament. Sponsors at the Platinum level ($500 and above) were: Henslin’s, RC Thomas Company, S.J. Jacobs and Sons, Finish Line Seed, Sheehan Gas Company, AO Financial, FM Bank, Rural Computer Consultants, and an anonymous sponsor.
Sponsors at the Gold level ($250-$499) were: Country Wide Lumber, Chuck Weis Family, Saunders, Mertens, and Schmitz Accountants
and Brad & Mary Jo Schmoll, Bird Island Soil Service, and George Paur Agency. Sponsors at the Silver level ($150-$249)
were: Island Market, Peterson Farms, and Kubesh Farms. At the Bronze level (any other donations) were Renville/Sibley
Coop and an Anonymous Sponsor. Special thanks to B & D Market for sponsoring the lunch for all the golfers. Thanks also to Greg Snow and the Olivia Golf Course, to all the golfers, to those who came just for the dinner, and to Max’s Grill for serving the dinner. By the sound of laughter and all the conversations going on, it sounded like everyone had a great time.
Last of all our congratulations to the winners of the Marion Open. There was a tie for first place with a score of 59. On the second score card playoff hole the team of Judy Dirks, Jack Gomarko, Nancy Aaseth, and Jerry Neubauer were the champions. Coming in second place were: Tom & Sheila Jacobs, James Kuemper, Paul Kahman. There was also a tie for third place with a score of 65. On the third score card playoff hole the team of Skylar Bauer, Marcus, Tanner, and Connor Weirshem were the winners.
Again thank you to all who supported and helped to make the Marion Open a great success for our school!!